1. Students will write a paper comparing one (1) state occupational therapy association website NYSOTA.ORG and the American Occupational Therapy Associations website ( Answer the following questions:
a. Website Comparison: Compare two (2) sections of the websites that were similar and two (2) sections that were different (i.e., topics, current trends, healthcare policies, professional development opportunities, etc.)
b. Topics of Interest: Discuss three (3) topics that interested you when navigating the websites. Be specific. What was it about these topics that grabbed your attention?
c. Role of OTP: Discuss three (3) ways in which the role of an OTP is enhanced by knowledge of, and involvement in international, national, state, and local OT associations and related professional associations. Be specific.
d. Student Involvement: Describe 3 ways that students can get involved in political advocacy.
e. Consumer Access: Identify 3 strategies to assist the consumer in gaining access to occupational therapy services
Any topic (writer’s choice)
August 24th, 2020