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Assignment 2: Cost of Debt and Equity 2

Assignment 2: Cost of Debt and Equity
The manager of Sensible Essentials conducted an excellent seminar explaining debt and equity financing and how firms should analyze their cost of capital. Nevertheless the guidelines failed to fully demonstrate the essence of the cost of debt and equity which is the required rate of return expected by suppliers of funds.
You are the Genesis Energy accountant and have taken a class recently in financing. You agree to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 68 minutes using the examples and information below:
Develop a 1012-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Perform your calculations in an Excel spreadsheet. Cut and paste the calculations into your presentation. Include speakers notes to explain each point in detail. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.ppt.
ByWednesday May 31 2017 deliver your assignment to theM4: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

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