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Assignment 3

A Literacy Narrative is a story about your experiences with literacy. When we talk about literacy here we are not just talking about reading but also writing. Think of this as an opportunity to tell me something a story about a significant event regarding reading or writing in your life. This event does not need to be school related but could be something that happened at home or work.

Choose one event that was memorable for you regarding a reading or writing experience. In a three-page essay, explain that event to me. Just like in all stories, you want to be as descriptive as possible relating everything you can remember about the eventwhen, location, who was there, what happened. Most importantly, though, I want you to reflect on what you learned about yourself and about reading or writing from this experience.

This paper must be in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and be double spaced and be three pages
Produce effective written communication appropriate to a variety of contexts (Gen Ed 3)
Use the writing process as a means of discovering and presenting ideas
Demonstrate proficiency in various expository modes of academic writing (Gen Ed 3)
Craft thesis-driven and well-organized prose
Employ revising and editing strategies as essential elements of the writing process
Produce writing that is generally free of grammatical and mechanical errors
Research, critically read, and synthesize a variety of sources to produce a documented research paper (Gen Ed 2; Gen Ed 5)

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