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Assignment 347

Assignment to be done in APA format with citations:
Youth join gangs for many reasons but until we understand the most common reasons and have a sound theoretical basis to explain those reasons we cannot expect to develop effective gang prevention and intervention strategies. Using the article Moving Risk Factors into Developmental Theories of Gang Membership by Howell and Egley (2005). Thoroughly explain the new theory they present in the article and how it may help develop new programs that deter younger youth from joining gangs.
Review the references found in the Howell and Egley article and review at one (1) additional article from those referenced and explain in detail how the information found in that article can be used to deter and/or prevent youth from joining gangs.
3. Identify and thoroughly explain the potential impact of two (2) government policies/programs that can deter youth from joining gangs.
Use at least three authoritative sources beyond those provided to support your position. All sources must be properly cited using the APA style.

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