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Book Review Proposal
Weighting: This proposal is a pass/fail portion of the Book Review Assignment, but it is not optional. You will not be able to proceed with the review until you have received a pass on this portion of the assignment.

Start this project at week four or five, while completing Unit 2.

There are numerous works on the subject of globalization and the easiest way to find a book that interests you is to search the library using globalization as the key search term.

After you have made a selection, you must review your choice with your tutor. Submit your choice with a short (200 word) motivation as to why you think this would be an appropriate book for the assignment.

You may find the following links useful.

1. Queens University: Writing a Book Review:
2. U of T Mississauga Library: The Book Review or Article Critique:
3. The University of Wisconsin: The Writing Center:

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