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Evaluating Professional and Popular Press Self-discovery Assessments
Career counselors often use psychological assessments to assist individuals in career planning and goal-setting. There are several steps that can be helpful in the career planning process such as conducting a self-assessment exploring industries/careers and determining factors that are non-negotiable (e.g. shift location salary the need for specific benefits). Prior to beginning work on this assignment you will need to read the article by Barr (2014) and take two different types of self-discovery assessment.
To begin research VIA Character Strengths Test O*Net Interest Profiler and TypeFocus listed below to determine which one is of interest to you. Once you have completed your research take one of the assessment to complete Part I of your Journal.
A. VIA Character Strengths Test
Character strengths are viewed as our positive personality they are our core capacities for thinking feeling and behaving in ways that can bring benefit to us and others.To take the VIA Character Strengths assessment: follow the link to register.VIA Character Strengths Test*Please note the results are free and please do not pay for this assessment.
B. O*Net Interest Profiler
The assessment can help you learn about your interests as it relates to different career fields.
C. TypeFocus
This online assessment is designed to assess your personality type interests and values to assist you in making effective decisions about your career goals. TypeFocusalso provides valuable information about careers that may likely be a good fit for you. Based on your results a Career Services Specialist will guide you through the process of identifying career goals that fit your interests and personality type.
Click here to learn how to take the assessment.
Journal Assignment Part 1: Take one of the assessments VIA Character Strengths Test O*Net Interest Profiler or TypeFocus.Provide the following information about the assessment in Part 1 of your journal:
Journal Assignment Part 2: Locate a free online self-discovery assessment (e.g. career personality values preferences) and take the assessment to receive your results. It is recommended that you do not take assessments that require you to submit an email address or other personal information in order to receive your results. Provide the following information about the assessment in Part 2 of your journal:
Journal Assignment Part 3: Compare and contrast the professional assessment in career services with the popular press assessment you found online. Address each of the basic measurement issue listed below.
This journal does not require you to share personal information about your mental health or any information that you deem personal and sensitive. You are not required to share your actual results. Per Standard 7.04 in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct psychology instructors cannot ask students to divulge this kind of information for grading purposes. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful evaluation of the assessment instruments and address each of the items required in the instructions.
The Journal Assignment:

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