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Policy Paper on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the GCC – Qatar, Saudi Arabic, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, and Bahrain

This is a policy paper assignment so make sure that you use proper academic writing and that your literature review is comprehensive and supported by references.  Feel free to write in either English or Arabic. Paper should not be less than 2500 words!
Outline for Policy Paper:

1.    Are there any PPP Strategies in the country? What is the government official position on PPPs in each country?
2.    Are there any PPP laws and/or legislations? Discuss the status/progress in details.
3.    When did the first PPP started in each GCC country?
4.    How many PPP projects are there and in which sectors? (Energy, infrastructure, water, etc.?) Feel free to use a table to answer this
5.    What are the total investments in PPP?
6.    What are the challenges and limitations for implementing PPPs in each country?

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