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Psychology and Physiology

You have a role to play

Balance between Psychology and Physiology

Apply as
Mental Health and Exercise Physiology
in association with the
Stress, Anxiety & Emotional Exhaustiveness that Many People have to Deal with

Next, you are to address the nation by a comprehensive paper detailing the relationship between exercise and mental health, discussing the importance and significance of exercise on lowering anxiety, fear & stress; and in turn, apply to encourage the public to make good use of exercise to cope with the hardship associated with the various facets of the pandemic faced.

*Paper title: The Importance & Benefits of Exercise in Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Applying to Enduring and Coping with the Pandemic Crisis
–    One page maximum
–    Single-lined spacing
–    Font size: No larger than 12. You may use font size < 10 for good purposes, if needed.
–    A minimum of two(2) references required

Points of notice:
* Do not include any material as to how to do exercise. By design, this present assignment is theoretical and conceptual. As of now, there are limited cures for COVID-19, and our immune system plays a fundamental role. If you want to elevate the level of this assignment, you may incorporate materials to explain the positive role of exercise (physically) on strengthening the immune system (physiologically) in countering COVID-19.
* The challenging aspect of this assignment is for you to put meaningful materials to connect exercise to a betterment or improvement for enduring the pandemic associated hardships.

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