Exercise I had to do:
Change something about yourself! Choose some positive activity in your life that you would like to attempt for the next week (exercise, nutrition, getting more sleep, journaling, ask your TA if you are unsure). The activity will ideally be daily but should not be less than 5 times in a week (if you are choosing exercise, perhaps you will go to the gym 4 days a week but make sure you have an extensive walk the other three days, or do pushups in your room). Designate a peer in your recitation who you will call at a designated time daily (ideally it will be the morning but we realize that many of you keep different hours) and have up to a five minute phone call (max) no texting or emails. You will discuss what you accomplished the day before relative to that commitment and what you will do that day. Both of you will place the activity in your calendars during the phone call.
let’s say the activity i did was boxing
WRITING: Write about how this exercise affected you as the week progressed and how you now reflect on change. How did speaking with a person effect your motivation? What other areas of your life could you apply this method of change?