Serious inquires only. Work must be original and plagiarism freewith 250 300 words for each DQ with references the minimum tworequired. If your work is excellent we may be able to work out adeal for future DQ and assignments or until you get sloppy withyour work. Ashford 6: Week 5 (Nov 05 Nov 11) RecommendedReadings The USA PATRIOT Act To participate in the following discussions go to thisweeks Discussion link in the left navigation. 1.The USA PATRIOTAct In 250 300 words provide a comprehensive answer using yourreading knowledge and experience for this Discussion Question.Understanding the USA PATRIOT Act and its implications on civilliberties at home do you believe that the costs to our libertiesare worth the security measures that the Act provides? Does theprinciple of U.S. liberties trump the practical realities ofhomeland security? Respond to at least two of your classmatespostings.
Serious inquires only. Work must be original and plagiarism freewith 250 300 wo
March 18th, 2019 admin
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