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Week 10 Discussion- A past position


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As the needs and goals of your team evolve, you will need to be flexible and able to adapt to your team. You may have to fill vacant positions or realign to accomplish your goals. As you move forward, it’s important to fill the roles with the strengths you need and move people to where they perform best. Sometimes you will have to change your strategy, but not your people, so you can play to your strengths.  Changing needs do not always require a change in members. It’s up to you to use each team member in the most effective way. This week, we learn how to lead a team to success using the talent one already has. Think about a past or present position you’ve held. Were you using all of your strengths and skills in that position? Were you given the opportunity to take on a new role to better utilize your strengths and skills? How did this affect your performance?

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